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Do You Want To Get Rid Of Bleeding Gums? Use These Amazing Herbs

Bleeding gums is a symptom of gum disease. Some dental conditions can cause bleeding gums like Gingivitis, Periodontitis, and Vitamin deficiencies. Good dental hygiene is a significant step to cure and prevent bleeding gums. It is the inflammation of gums that causes irritation, redness, and swelling. When you brush your teeth, you can see the bleeding. It is because plaque builds up, bacteria grows along the gum line. Then a question comes to our mind that how to stop bleeding gums? We can use different herbal extracts to treat bleeding gums and can get rid of this very quickly. 

Causes of bleeding gums

  1. If you are not b brushing your teeth once a day or even twice a day. You can experience this condition. 

  2. If you are using a too hard or stiff toothbrush for teeth, it can also cause bleeding in the gums. 

  3. If you are still using a worn toothbrush that has no longer a cleaning effect. 

  4. Properly use the toothbrush, do not use it roughly

  5. If you are taking medicines, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, it can also cause bleeding

  6. Some early-stage gum diseases like gingivitis can cause this condition. 

 Different ways to stop Bleeding gums

Following are the best home remedies for bleeding gums

  • Always practice good hygiene orally 

  • Wash out your mouth with hydrogen peroxide daily

  • Stop taking depression, and stress

  • Stop Smoking and drinking alcohol

  • Increased the consumption of Vitamin C in your daily intake

  • Apply a cold compressor whenever you experience bleeding gum condition

  • Increased the intake of vitamin K in your daily diet

  • Cut the carbs from your diet. Only take few carbs daily

  • When you experience bleeding from the gums, rinse your mouth with water 

  • Drink green tea daily 

Home Made Mouth Wash Types

Following are the types of homemade mouth wash:

  1. Lemongrass oil mouthwash: One of the main reasons for bleeding gums is the formation of plaque. This oil is very effective for reducing the symptoms of this condition. To make the solution, add concentrated 2 to 3 drops of lemongrass oil in water. Spit it out after swirling around the mouth. 

  2. Aloe vera mouthwash: to treat the symptoms of gingivitis, aloe Vera is used as an effective active ingredient. The aloe vera juice does not need anything else for dilution, so it can be used on its own for a long time until it remains pure. It should swirl and then spit out of the mouth. You can repeat this procedure three times a day. 

  3. Tea tree oil: It helps to reduce bleeding. To make a mouthwash, a person should add three drops of tea tree oil to a cup of warm water. But it can react with some medications, so ask your doctor before using it. 

  4. Sage mouthwash: It is a cause of reduction of growth of bacteria that is the main reason for plaque formation. To make a mouthwash, 2 tbsp. of fresh and 1 tbsp. of dried sage in boiling water. Let it boil for 10 minutes, then strain the mixture and leave it to cool down. Guava leaf mouthwash: It has antibacterial properties. It helps to control the formation of plaque. It can decrease inflammation. To make a mouthwash, you need six guava leaves to add into one boiling water. You can also add salt to it. 

  5. Turmeric: It has anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties. In the market, different gels are present that contains turmeric and helps to prevent the formation of plaque. You need to apply the gel on the gums and then leave it there for 10 minutes after that spit it out and wash it with water. Turmeric is one of the best and quick healer home remedies for gum bleeding.   

  6. Oil Pulling: It helps to reduce the growth of bacteria that is responsible for plaque formation. The right way to use the oil pulling technique is to put two teaspoons that should swirl in the mouth for 30 minutes and then spit it out. You need to drink a glass of water before cleaning your teeth with them. It is a little difficult to keep the mouthwash keep in the mouth. Therefore can place it in the mouth for a shorter time. 

Arimedadi oil: It helps to prevent plaque formation and ease the symptoms of the deadly disease. 

Coconut oil is used as oil pulling to treat the signs and symptoms of gingivitis and decrease plaque formation. 

Ayurvedic Remedies for Bleeding Gums

Triphala tea

It is an effective tea for Bleeding Gums Treatment. It has astringent properties. It is also known as hemostatic to stops the bleeding—the patient needs to gargling and swishing the mouth with the tea. 

Orange juice mixture

You can drink one cup of orange juice, add half a teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of cumin. It helps to treat bleeding gums.

Raw Apple

It is very beneficial to control gums'
bleeding. After half an hour of meals, eat a raw apple to clean the teeth, and it helps to heal the gums. To treat bleeding gums naturally, you can eat pears too.


Eat raspberries on an empty stomach two to three times a day. Please do not eat them with any dairy product. 

Coconut Oil

Give a massage to your gums with coconut oil, and it provides strength to your gums. 

Do not go for another medical treatment when you have an option of herbal remedies that are 100 percent natural. Choose an excellent herbal store to buy your products. You can also ask a herbal specialist how to stop gums bleeding.   


Make sure to brush your teeth daily. After eating processed foods or sugary always brush your teeth. Use the brush gently; harshly brushing of teeth can damage soft tissues of gums. Keep your focus on a diet, and you should consume foods like soy, garlic, green tea to keep your gums healthy. To live a life free of dental problems, it is important to treat bleeding gums because it can lead to many other diseases

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